Well, simply put, today Great Britain was touched by a total solar eclipse - the first for more than 70 years, and the last that most people alive now will ever be able to see here. From where I was watching, the sun was more than 80 percent obscured, and although it was a bit cloudy, the experience was still fairly cosmic, and the birdies got a bit confused. I was out there with my x-ray specs and camera, and had various attempts at obtaining the definitive Eclipse photo. True to form, I failed totally, and the resulting pix were decidedly underwhelming [see Note 1]. Having said that, I decided to share one of them with you anyway, suitably hand-annotated.
Note 1. I also managed to take some rather poor photos of Stonehenge some years ago, and that was with 2 weeks of effort rather than 5 minutes. Does this mean my technique is improving?
It can be dangerous to look directly at the sun with the naked eye, and permanent damage can result. The same goes for drinking drain cleaner, going for a swim in molten tin, and two or three other things I can think of. Always take expert advice before attempting anything, and if in doubt, DON'T DO IT.